A single lone tree in a blue landscape

Self-Esteem & Confidence

If you are constantly worrying about not being good enough and worrying about being judged negatively by others, it might start holding you back

We can all doubt ourselves from time to time. If you are constantly worrying about not being good enough and worrying about being judged negatively by others, it might start holding you back from doing things you would like to do. 

Maybe you don’t speak up in meetings, maybe presentations at work affect your sleep negatively, maybe you don’t go for promotions, maybe you avoid dating or pursuing relationships, maybe you are always silent when socialising with a group of people, or maybe you go along with what your friends want, instead of expressing your preferences. If you recognise yourself in any of these scenarios, chances are that you spend a lot of time thinking you are not good enough, and you make sure you don’t risk the embarrassment of judgment and failure.

In therapy you can learn to deal differently with these thoughts and emotions, so they don’t determine what you do or stand in the way of your goals and your relationships.