A single lone tree in a blue landscape
Stormy landscape coastline

Overthinking (Worry & Rumination)

It is possible to learn how to disengage from worries and ruminations

‘Overthinking’ is when you spend excessive time either ruminating on past situations or worrying about future catastrophes or failures. You might be caught up in analysing situations or relationships to such an extent that it interrupts your sleep, interrupts your focus or concentrations, or keeps you from being present with the people you are with.

‘Overthinking’ is not in itself a mental illness, but it is an integral part of most mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Even if you are not suffering any of these mental health problems, you might still find that overthinking is impacting your life negatively and taking up too much of your time. 

In therapy it is possible to learn how to disengage from worries and ruminations, so you can spend less of your time with these thoughts and more of your time engaging with your chosen activities.